Sculpture and Installation Work
Using different media, my work often includes functional, ordinary objects such as straws, earplugs, cup-holders and stir-sticks and has a strong minimalist gesture. The installation pieces and sculptures have an organic quality to them that render the synthetic materials into a reminiscence of nature. Sometimes this is done through working with multiples, using repetition to enhance the essence of what attracted her to the material in the first place.
Suspended Object
Art Installation
This piece was inspired by my former colleagues at the International Criminal Court in The Hague and the conviction of those that endeavoured to create the Court. It hangs in the hallway close to my former office.
The title “Conscious” comes from a section of the Preamble of the Rome Statute (the founding document) of the International Criminal Court:
“Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in a shared heritage, and concerned that this delicate mosaic may be shattered at any time,”
Each human being is different, and beautiful, regardless of any internal or external “damage” we may have. We are all different shapes, sizes, colours and have different backgrounds, yet we all share the common beauty of humanity.
So with each piece of wood – each is different, each is beautiful, regardless of what has happened to it or where it comes from. Each is an individual piece with its own characteristics, yet together these pieces form a whole and are connected.
I use found / re-claimed wood, mostly from recent construction and demolition projects. Each piece of wood is individually crafted and takes many hours to finalise: a piece of wood informs me how it wants to be shaped bit by bit, from sawing large pieces off of "corners", to rough sanding with a sanding machine to round it more, to sanding by hand again and again with finer and finer sandpaper. Final stage is spray painting a clear coating 3 or 4 times, each time sanding finer and finer until the surface is very smooth and soft.

Tubing with led light sculpture
Earplug City
It started with a few earplugs finding a home in these plastic containers. Somehow they multiplied and formed a city of earplug skyscrapers….
My Little Friends
Glue sticks and welding rods.
It started with one, one little experiment in the wall behind me in the studio. I thought he looked lonely and made a few more. And there they were... Bobbing and nodding at me when there was a bit of a breeze, keeping me company while I was working on other projects.... After a while I made some more and made them into an installation piece where they could catch the light and made beautiful shadows on the wall. I love them. They are my little friends, just there, keeping me company without judgement.
My sculpture pieces often include found objects that attracted me through the colour, texture and form of what they are made of... When applied in repetition this essence is enhanced and the pieces sometimes have an organic quality with a reminiscence of nature.
I have now made a few more of these friendly installations in the homes of clients. Each one unique due to the angles at which I drill the holes in the wall and the distances between them. Each one casting different shadows due to the light, natural and artificial in that space.
Let me know if you would also like some little friends to keep you company :-)
Crown of Thorns, stirring sticks and glue